Thursday, October 6, 2016

Central Wyoming at the end of September is a beautiful and stormy place. Spent the day driving through rain and sleet until I reached the Nebraska border. It had snowed the night before but evidence of the storm was gone when I arrived at this off ramp northwest of Cheyenne. The clouds were scuttering along the horizon and the cool wind rustled the grass and the bales of hay. I had left Lander, Wyoming at 8:00 am Mountain Standard Time and would drive until I got home to Lincoln. All toll, the day's drive totaled about 800 miles and ended at 12:30 am the next day. I drove, stopped and photographed, had several meals (in my car and in restaurants), gassed up, and took about three cat naps in rest stops along I-80. I love to drive. It does something for my soul. It calms and centers's been that way since I was a kid. Long drives, drives late at night, impromptu drives ... the hum of the tires and the whoosh of the wind make my life better. That's all I can say on that. That's all.

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